Pass Exams Hypnosis Audio

Hypnosis .MP3 Audio Download

Pass Exams
MP3 Hypnosis Downloads

Hypnosis .MP3 to help you pass exams.

Beat those exam nerves and enter your exams relaxed, focused and with a clear mind for success.

hypnosis .mp3

Pass Your Exams With Confidence
Feeling anxious before an exam can be expected and being nervous is indeed a natural emotion. Some people find these feelings becoming a motivator and a way to focus on the task whilst others simply find the pressure overwhelming.

Many of us will be able to recall how stressful taking a test can be. We can experience the sensations of butterflies in our stomaches, hearts racing and sweaty palms and then our memory letting us down at that crucial moment.

When the feelings of stress become intense they threaten your performance and the ability to achieve your true potential.

This Hypnosis Pass Exams CD or Hypnosis .MP3 Download will allow you to relax and break stress whilst studying for exams. Passing exams becomes easier with hypnosis as you learn to relax and allow the information you are learning to sink inside your subconscious mind which is the centre of your memory. Relax, unwind break stress and pass exams with ease.

You will control your exam nerves, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety while boosting your confidence and approaching your exam with a cool, focused approach.

Your subconscious will allow you to retain information easier and when you feel relaxed taking your exam the information you have learned will come back into your memory with ease. Recall of information will be easy, focused, correct and fun.

Help to pass exams could not be more powerful than this hypnosis pass exams hypnosis .mp3 download.

The Technical Stuff!
The pass exams .MP3 Download is 30 minutes in length. The audio contains beautiful relaxing music with an English voice over. The audio can be downloaded instantly and can be played on your computer, .mp3 player, smart phone, tablet or can be transferred to CD.

Audio Information
Play the pass exams audio program when you can put your feet up, close your eyes and relax.
Some people will achieve changes the first time they listen to the audio, others will make positive changes in as little as 21 days but some people may use the audio a little longer. The more you use the pass exams audio the stronger the change. Once changes have been made they will be permanent as long as the mind set remains the same.

“Wow!! Just Wow!! This memory technique is wonderful to use and so powerful. I use the technique daily now and it allows me to remember things much easier. It also allows me to go back into my youth and remember events from the past. It’s like finding lost memories and lost life from the past. Not only do you remember the events but you see them so clearly and you even feel the emotions. How clever! Such a wonderful tool.” Tom.

SMARTER Hypnosis
Put your feet up, relax and close your eyes. The relaxing music contains the power of SMARTER Hypnosis which are powerful affirmations delivered by voice at a frequency which is accepted directly into the subconscious mind, making changes instantly.

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Pass Exams Download £18
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David Knight Master Hypnotist
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